Monday, October 1, 2012

Musing Mondays

I haven't written in two weeks as I've been trying to adjust to my new timetable. So no better time to come back as with Musing Mondays.

The question is kinda perfect: What distracts you when you really "should be reading"?

Most of the time, my classes. I study literature, so there's a lot of reading involved there, but I do also take language classes that are (at least for me) more demanding and I need to spend more time on them. When I read for school, I don't get the impression that I'm doing school work, so I always feel guilty and think that I should be doing something else. 

Aside from classes, the Internet. I can't count how many of times I've said I'd just look something up really quickly and then go back to reading. The next thing I know is that it's hours later and I've wasted all the time redditing or doing something even more useless. I usually listen to music while browsing through useless things and I end up convincing myself I've been studying "poetry". Yeah, right. 

1 comment:

  1. one must cull the 'useless' and reset the priorities!! reading must rise to the top! :-)
