Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish Confessions

I didn't want to do this week's Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by our The Broke and the Bookish, but it was too much fun to miss out on. I have many...

1. I judge people based on what their favorite books are - I try not to be a snob and I'll read anything, but I think a favorite book says a lot about a person. If you're over twelve and your favorite book is Twilight I will think you're a twit without a brain. If your favorite author is Joyce, I expect us to have a nice conversation about him and his books. If your favorite author is Paulo Coelho or Dan Brown, I will think that you don't know enough words to explain why they're your favorite authors. 

I've had a lot of these conversations:

A person: Oh, you like reading. You should really read The Alchemist, it changed my life....

A voice in my head: You, sir/madam, are a moron.

Me: Yeah, sure... (Poker face)

2. I use books as coasters - I always have books around me. Usually what I'm currently reading or my favorite books that always have to be near me. I always have a cup of coffee. This leads to an insane amount of coffee stains on my favorite books. The more stains it has, I've probably read it more times.

3. I write all over my books - Sometimes it's just underlining, sometimes I write a sentence I liked, sometimes I write my own thoughts.

4. I've never actually done this, but - I wouldn't feel guilty about not returning a book to a library - If I really, really wanted it and I couldn't find it anywhere to buy, I would just say I lost it and pay the fine. I've never done this because... My fifth confession.

5. I don't go to libraries - If I have to find something for class, I will borrow a library book. But a casual read... Hell no. One of the main reasons - My sixth confession.

6. I never return a book in time - Back in the day when I tried going to libraries, I hated that I had to read a book in two weeks. It's not too short and I could read it in less, but I hated the pressure and it stopped me from enjoying the books I read. So I just stopped going to libraries. 

7. I never lend my books - There are exceptions, like my aunt, but generally no. I will usually say that I don't know if I have the book and I need to check or that I have so many that I need time to find it do to my poor maintenance skills.Then I hope they've forgotten about it. The truth is, the only thing I keep organized and neat are my books and I can tell I which books I have any time of the day. I hate it because people seem to consider my books like public property and don't take me seriously when I say I want them back. My money, my book. Just return it! Also, my shelves are a whole, they seem sad when there's a part missing.  

8. If I  do lend you my book - I will hunt you down until you return it. I don't care how psycho it makes me look. My money, my book! I don't care if I said I didn't like it.

9. I read the last page - Then I try guessing how the plot gets there. I don't mind spoilers at all, whether I'm reading or watching a show or whatever. I'll usually just go finding spoilers on my own. 

10. Danielle Steel and Sidney Sheldon - I read more of their books than I can count. Don't judge too harsh. I was ten and I stumbled upon them at home. I was just proud I could read "real", "grown up" books. To this day, I think Master of the Game and Bloodline are awesome books.

I could go on like this forever, but it seems to be enough.

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